Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pivot Table with Multiply Key Columns in C#

I needed a pivot table to display a report to the user in my company, so I tried googling the best and practical way to do that. At first, I was interested in using MS Office components and just pass the data to the component and refresh the template so it will display the data I need. But, the thing is I will need the component also to be installed in the server, and this is not a really high priority apps to put the server in risk to not working for some time if there is anything wrong with the installation or the components it self. So, I decided using the data table manipulation and I found a good example on how to do that in weblogs of sql team here.

However, there is small modification I need to do since the function written there only accommodate single key column. After modified it, I was planning to put the update in comments of the page so I can contribute somehow. Unfortunately the comments is already closed, so I decided to put it here. Find it below. This pivot function is placed in a web service which is going to return a dataset containing the pivot table. After receiving it in the web app, I format the datagrid so it will display as the user need. Yay! Alhamdulillah. Hope it will be useful for other people who need it.

/// <summary>
/// Transform a table to a pivot table based on the given information.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataValues">The table which is going to be transformed to pivot table. The table should be sorted by the key colums, starting from most left part.</param>
/// <param name="keyColumn">Array of String which contains the columns in dataValues that is going to be used as a keyColumn for display</param>
/// <param name="pivotNameColumn">The Column name of the dataValues which is going to be displayed as pivot table's column</param>
/// <param name="pivotValueColumn">The Column name of the dataValues which is going to be used to fill the value for the pivot table's column</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DataTable Pivot( DataTable dataValues, string[] keyColumn, string pivotNameColumn, string pivotValueColumn)
DataTable tmp = new DataTable();
DataRow r;
string[] LastKey = new string[keyColumn.Length];
int i,keyColumnIndex, pValIndex, pNameIndex;
string s;
bool FirstRow = true;
bool keyChanged = false;

// Add non-pivot columns to the data table:
pValIndex = dataValues.Columns.IndexOf(pivotValueColumn);
pNameIndex = dataValues.Columns.IndexOf(pivotNameColumn);

for (i = 0; i <= dataValues.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
if (i != pValIndex && i != pNameIndex)
tmp.Columns.Add(dataValues.Columns[i].ColumnName.ToString(), dataValues.Columns[i].DataType);
r = tmp.NewRow();

// now, fill up the table with the data:
foreach (DataRow row in dataValues.Rows)
// see if we need to start a new row
keyColumnIndex = 0;
keyChanged = false;
if (!FirstRow)
while (!keyChanged && keyColumnIndex < keyColumn.Length)
if (row[keyColumn[keyColumnIndex]].ToString() != LastKey[keyColumnIndex])
keyChanged = true;
for (keyColumnIndex = 0;keyColumnIndex<keyColumn.Length;keyColumnIndex++)
LastKey[keyColumnIndex] = row[keyColumn[keyColumnIndex]].ToString();

if (keyChanged || FirstRow)
// if this isn't the very first row, we need to add the last one to the table
if (!FirstRow)
r = tmp.NewRow();

// Add all non-pivot column values to the new row:
for (i = 0; i <= dataValues.Columns.Count - 3; i++)
r[i] = row[tmp.Columns[i].ColumnName];
FirstRow = false;

for (keyColumnIndex = 0;keyColumnIndex<keyColumn.Length;keyColumnIndex++)
LastKey[keyColumnIndex] = row[keyColumn[keyColumnIndex]].ToString();

// assign the pivot values to the proper column; add new columns if needed:
s = row[pNameIndex].ToString();
if (s.Length > 0)
if (!tmp.Columns.Contains(s) && s != null)
tmp.Columns.Add(s, dataValues.Columns[pValIndex].DataType);
r[s] = row[pValIndex];
// add that final row to the datatable:

// and that's it!
return tmp;
catch (Exception)
return null;

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